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 Post subject: Roster Sharing
PostPosted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 4:44 am 
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Joined: Thu Jun 21, 2012 5:36 am
Posts: 26
Location: Melbourne, Australia
As we've recently implemented roster sharing, we decided to setup a forum topic to explain how to use it, and answer any questions (or address any bugs!) that might come up. The ability to share rosters is one that we have wanted for a while now, and although it is now here, development is not going to stop any time soon. Leave your questions, thoughts, and impressions in this forum, so we can determine the direction of future development.

What does it do?
It allows you to share your roster, imported through Captain's Roster Online, with people that you nominate, be they friends, family, or colleagues. The only requirement is that they are registered members of Aviaddicts.

How do I nominate friends?
When you are logged in to Aviaddicts, you'll notice a link in the upper right of each page to 'My Settings'. Clicking this link takes you to a control panel where you can edit all kinds of personal settings. One of them is 'Friends & Foes'. To share rosters, you need to first add your friends to your friend list. Then, they need to add you to their friend list. Once this 2-way relationship is established, you can share rosters.

How do I look at a friend's roster?
In 'My Settings', go to 'Calendar', and you will see your calendar, with a list of your friends with whom you are sharing rosters below. Click the calendar icon beside a friend's name to see their calendar.

What about...?
If you need help, have a query, want to request a feature, or have any comments about roster sharing, leave them here.

Dan Lambeth

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