HowTo: Insert a Picture

  1. Make sure you have signed in and have access to edit the page on which you want to place the picture.
  2. Click the edit tab to edit the page.
  3. Check whether the picture already exists on the Aviaddicts server. Click Images, and you'll see a popup window with a list of all images that exist in the wiki you are editing.
  4. If the picture does not already exist, you'll need to upload it from your computer to Aviaddicts. While editing the page, click Choose File, select the picture from your PC, and then click Upload. These buttons are at the bottom of the page.
  5. To link to the picture, insert the markup into the page at the position you want the picture to appear.

Hint: If the picture appears too large on the page, resize it using the syntax . The height parameter is optional. For example, resizes to 200 pixels wide while keeping everything in proportion.

See also

Image Markup

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