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Warning/Status Lights

LocationNameInhibited WhenMeaning Ground/Dim/SteadyMeaning Flight/Bright/Flashing
Left Forward PanelBELOW G/S P-INHIBITpushed <1000' RAbelow g/s alert active
SPEED BRAKE DO NOT ARMspeed brake lever downabnormal condition of auto speed brake
SPEED BRAKE ARMEDspeed brake lever downvalid auto speed brake
STAB OUT OF TRIMautopilot not engagedautopilot not trimming correctly
Right Forward PanelSPEEDBRAKES EXTENDEDon ground hydraulic system A pressure <750 psispeed brake lever down detent / ground spoilers not stowedspeed brake lever beyond armed and TE flaps >10 or <800' RA
BELOW G/S P-INHIBITpushed <1000' RAbelow g/s alert active
INOPGPWS malfunction or power loss (eg. invalid inputs from RA, ADIRU, etc.)
Center Forward PanelAUTO BRAKE DISARMmanual braking applied, landing with RTO, malfunction, etc.
ANTISKID INOPsystem fault
LE FLAPS TRANSITduring autoslat operationLE transit, LE/TE discrepancy, LE slat skew, alternate flap extension until TE flap 10 and LE devices fully extended
LE FLAPS EXTLE flaps and slats extended (TE 1-5) or LE devices fully extended (TE 10-40)
NOSE/LEFT/RIGHT GEARgear down and locked
NOSE/LEFT/RIGHT GEARdisagreement with gear lever, or not down and locked with one thrust idle <800' RA
Forward Overhead PanelLOW QUANTITYlow quantity in standby hydraulic reservoir
LOW PRESSUREnormally inhibited unless standby pump selected or automatically activatedoutput pressure of standby pump low
STBY RUDDER ON(aircraft with RSEP modification)standby hydraulics pressurising standby rudder pcu
LOW PRESSURE A/Bflight control switch to standby rudderlow hydraulic system  pressure to ailerons, elevator and rudder
FEEL DIFF PRESSexcessive differential pressure in elevator feel
SPEED TRIM FAILfailure of speed trim / failure of single FCC channel on recall
MACH TRIM FAILfailure of mach trim / failure of single FCC channel on recall
AUTO SLAT FAILfailure of auto slat / failure of single SMYD channel on recall
YAW DAMPERyaw damper not engaged
ENG/SPAR VALVE CLOSED 1/2related valve closedvalve transit or disagreement with start lever or fire warning switch

Categories: Boeing 737NG | Warning Systems

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